Your Narrator


The collection of molecules organized as A.J. Rowley is a writer and reader, with a keen interest in civics and leadership, who practices product professionally, and walks everywhere and often.

He lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth, “Sol” System, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Observable Universe, Universe “A”—if you happen to see the mothership out there in your travels, do report back these here coordinates.

Here and There

I practice product in the media division of a national telecommunications company where I represent a world-class video streaming technology team. Previously, I directed national communications for the Mounted Police Association of Ontario (which led the fight to secure association rights for the RCMP, see MPAO v Canada, now represented by the National Police Federation), completed a graduate history degree focusing on media analysis, and co-authored Canadian Political Structure and Public Administration.

Weekly Notes

I am currently testing the theory that sharing a selection of notes each week, from a content habit high in variety and volume, with some light commentary, has value. These weekly posts loosely emulate the Spectator’s Notes column, which rangers from a single topic to a handful of otherwise unrelated items. Ideally, sharing the fruits of my own curiosity each week will provoke your own. Do let me know.

With rare exception, I yield to the motherly wisdom about discretion in the absence of anything nice to say. All content reflects personal interest and opinion alone.